Kepler Academy is an innovative new child care facility that is rethinking daycare and early childhood development. Their Exploratory Education approach focuses on an intentional mix of learning-through-play and an educational curriculum that promotes exploration and discovery.

Contributed Art Direction, Design, and Brand Strategy.


Kepler Academy is an innovative new child care facility that is rethinking daycare and early childhood development. Their Exploratory Education approach focuses on an intentional mix of learning-through-play and an educational curriculum that promotes exploration and discovery.

My contributions included Art Direction and Brand Strategy.


Kepler Academy is an innovative new child care facility that is rethinking daycare and early childhood development. Their Exploratory Education approach focuses on an intentional mix of learning-through-play and an educational curriculum that promotes exploration and discovery.

My contributions included Art Direction and Brand Strategy.


The symbol is a direct reference to Johannes Kepler, serving as a telescope with a constellation (Hercules) within its sights. This sets the stage for all future visual assets by creating two concentric rings to border any graphics or icons inside.

The main typography is set in a bold handwritten font, and the subtitle is written underneath in a cleaner fashion bookended by an asterisk (a tie to the stars in the symbol) and an arrow to suggest forward movement. All three parts are shown in a slightly rough manner to exhibit the rough-edged drawing aesthetic and learning process of a child.


 The symbol is a direct reference to Johannes Kepler, serving as a telescope with a constellation (Hercules) within its sights. This sets the stage for all future visual assets by creating two concentric rings to border any graphics or icons inside.

The main typography is set in a bold handwritten font, and the subtitle is written underneath in a cleaner fashion bookended by an asterisk (a tie to the stars in the symbol) and an arrow to suggest forward movement. All three parts are shown in a slightly rough manner to exhibit the rough-edged drawing aesthetic and learning process of a child.

kepler-constellation-bag (1)
kepler-stationary (1)
enamel-cups (1)



Hit me up any way you feel comfortable. If you’d like to reach me directly, let’s talk at If you’re kind of shy and want to inch your way to direct communication, find me on any of the social media links on the right. Want to go to the main page? Here you go.

Hit me up any way you feel comfortable. If you’d like to reach me directly, let’s talk at If you’re kind of shy and want to inch your way to direct communication, find me on any of the social media links below. Want to go to the main page? Here you go.

Hit me up any way you feel comfortable. If you’d like to reach me directly, let’s talk at If you’re kind of shy and want to inch your way to direct communication, find me on any of the social media links below. Want to go to the main page? Here you go.